Tuesday, December 29, 2009

boo tuesday

Allow me to needlessly complain......I'm grumpy. I am now 31 weeks pregnant. I have a pain in one of my ribs on the right side of my body, that unless I am laying flat on my back, or standing up is pretty much what you would think constant pain is.....constant. I had this same pain when I was pregnant with Natalie, it started at about 21 weeks. With this child it started at about 26.
Also, I'm not exercising this pregnancy, whereas I did at least attempt to walk a few times a week last time....thus adding to the grumpiness.
Lastly, I went to make sour cream chicken and potatoes tonight only to find that my potatoes were rotten. I'm hungry.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

yummy goo

On Christmas morning, like any rational person, I decided to make cinnamon rolls for the very first time ever. In fact it was my very first run with anything containing yeast. Yeast makes me nervous....I have no idea why, but why not face my fear on the greatest day of the year? I'm happy to say it was a success....I have pictures, and people who ate them to prove it. However, as I was making my second batch today (that I think is going to be even better than the first) I decided that I will make them again....but not before I get new counter tops!
I realized that I should've taken a picture of the mess that flour, dough, melted butter, sugar, and cinnamon make in these lovely cracks...but you can imagine it can't you?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

1st haircut

Natty has been sporting a pretty sweet mullet for some time now. Every time I do her hair, I brush the back and think "this would be so easy to just cut straight across and be done with it". But having no haircutting experience (aside from shaving Benjamin's head) I have never had the guts to do it....until this past Wednesday. Impulsively while Natalie was taking a bath I got out my haircutting scissors (why I have these, I don't know) and cut off the back of her hair. It was a little stressful since she was busy being a 20 month old that doesn't sit still, but I think I did an OK job. The right side is a smidge longer than the left, and unfortunately that is highlighted by the fact that the left side curls under and the right side flips out...but all in all, it looks alright, and when I have the assistance of Benjamin, I'll do a little further trimming.
Might I add that I now find her about 15x cuter than I did before that bath. Initially I was a little sad at the change in my growing little girl, but now I just can't help but smile and giggle when she smiles and giggles at me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

try not to laugh...

So this is my online christmas card (because I'm too lazy to do a real one). How awesome would this be if I actually sent this out?

hump day..

I think she would do this all day long if I let her.

Friday, December 11, 2009

would these help me find my "thing"?

3 stores I wish I utilized more (or at all)

1. dollar store
2. thrift store
3. tuesday morning

Monday, December 7, 2009

what is going on?!??

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I just bought and installed new doorknobs throughout the top floor of my house.....I secretly hate them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

appppppple pie

I might have mentioned once or twice that I like to bake. I don't know why or where the joy started but a little after we moved into this house, I bought myself a kitchen aid (in one of my "Ben works too much, and I'm lonely" weeks) I started making cookies often, and have even branched out to some challenging layered brownies or quick bread type rolls. Most have been successful and I've definitely learned that the more peanut butter the better when it comes to my chocolate cookies.
Now to actually explain this post I'll tell you that my family loves pie. We happen to make a big deal of eating LOTS of it when it comes to thanksgiving. Since we'll actually be in Utah this year, I wanted to be able to make my own pie, and Benjamin wanted me to be as authentic as I could. Enter The Pioneer Woman, her pie crust, and apple pie recipes. Here is the result. The crust is ugly to be sure (can you even see it) but I took this picture when it was still bubbling and OH BOY!!!!!
If it doesn't taste as good as I think it will, I may to do a review, but if you see no further posts then just assume it was AMAZING. And I'll be serving homemade whip cream with it as well....I'm that good :)

snack-ra-ment meeting

This is a fantastic blog (sorry for my non-mormon readers.....you may not get the jokes)!

Today I got an extra chuckle from this one. GO HERE!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Since I'm still eating the candy from our little trick or treating extravaganza, I don't feel like I'm that behind.

oh yeah....and we bought our house yesterday. the one we have already been living in for 18 months. go us!

Monday, November 2, 2009

musical monday

Courtesy of my husband's internetting skills.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I do not watch Glee (I have very skewed standards when it comes to what is and is not appropriate for me to watch on TV). However, I do visit a particularly annoying blog that has an automatic playlist. This is the first song that comes on, and no matter how hard I try I end up listening to the whole thing....EVERY time. 100 points if you know what blog I'm talking about without clicking the link.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

today was supposed to be the day....

For us, completely ungrateful, parents who take having a healthy baby completely for-granted, the day of the ultrasound exists entirely to tell me the gender of this new baby. What is worse than not getting a 100%, for sure, answer on what you're having? At this moment (in my completely absorbed state) nothing is worse. SO, I'm ignoring any trace of doubt that was in that nice ultrasound tech's voice, and I'll definitely ignore the fact that he told me he was not 100%, and proceed to tell everyone that we're having another GIRL!!! I am extremely pleased with this. The fact that it means I get to use all the adorable, but grown out of too fast, clothes that I used to put Natty in, makes me smile. Oh yeah...I'll also ignore the fact that they may end up moving my due date up by a week as well, as this makes the pesky c-section question more complicated in my mind. Anyway....we're thrilled to be having another girl....she already looks just like Natalie to me!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just try to get an email, from your mother in law, with 17 of the funniest, and most adorable pictures of your only child, and not post a bunch of them. (longest sentence ever) Try it, I dare you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

this about sums up my day....

Natalie sat on the couch tonight, right before bed, and was picking at her feet. How much more like me can she get?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

how lucky am I?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i have a camera

THIS is why Natalie gets her hair done every single day!
but perhaps I should calm down a bit...


If I am trying to be nice by doing something nice for someone.....does that mean that I actually am nice?

Monday, October 5, 2009


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Did you watch the US Open at all? Did you get into the Melanie Oudin story? Have you ever heard of her?
Well she is fantastic and definitely the only american woman that I will root for on a tennis court! I can't embed the Conan O'Brien video (which is funny....its Conan, duh!) , so please follow this link. This 17 year old is wonderful! (tennis is definitely her "thing")

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Everyone has a "thing" right? Something that somewhat defines them, be it good or bad?
Well I'd like to figure out what my thing is. Tell me what yours is, so that I might possibly steal it ok?

Monday, September 14, 2009

something to say

I feel like I should have something to say......

-I'm ready for fall. The chilly weather, sweaters, sports (which I am definitely getting my fill), socks, pretty colors.
-Because Natalie is so tiny, I find it frustrating to find fall clothes that fit her (in what I already have) since the summer stuff is barely starting to fit.
-We're buying the house that we live in. I am surprised at how excited and not excited I am about that.
-I discovered that the color that we painted Natalie's room, and were going to paint the "guest" room, is not a color that Benjamin likes.....so instead we're waiting for the gender of baby #2 to be revealed and then we'll proceed. (keep in mind that room has been taped and ready to pain since July)
-I need to cut my hair, but I'm trying the let it grow and see what happens plan. Day to day, it doesn't look so hot.
-I've been reading NieNie lately....it fills me with lots of "interesting" thoughts.
-I heard a great talk yesterday about not always feeling that your prayers have been answered.
-It reminded me that I don't pray very often or well and I might be more likely to receive answers if I did better at the necessary steps.
-I bought our tickets to go to Utah for thanksgiving. Pie night has me salivating already!!!!!!
-I miss making cookies....I'm going to remedy this today and make something yummy for our monday night family time.
-Benjamin got a new job. I have a husband with a schedule, its a beautiful thing.
-I can now only fall asleep with the aid of drugs. uhh.....
-Benjamin and I watched the MTV VMA'S last night. This more than slightly embarrasses me, however, the tribute to Michael Jackson was pretty awesome!
-I just folded a load of laundry and I know feel that my WHOLE day won't have been a waste.
-My reading slump has really put me in a sluggish mood lately.
-As I was folding the aforementioned load of laundry I found one of my socks that had a "D" written on it. I put it there when I was in high school and wanted to keep my socks seperate from Julie's. That made me miss her, and so excited to see her, and her beautiful new home, in November.
-I love tennis more and more every year.

Apparently I had some things to get out of my head.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I'm having another baby....

I'm due March 3 and hopefully only have 2 more weeks of laying on my couch, all day, and not moving. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


what do you think she's thinking?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ode to chris martin

I have always liked Coldplay but this past sunday my love grew exponentially. Lead singer Chris Martin is hilarious and surprisingly good natured. He'll entertain you....I promise.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

is this my good side?

We went to Lake Anna with some fantastic friends, Robert and Cari back in June. They just happen to always have their (very nice) cameras with them at all times. Here are some shots from that trip....and check out their blog to see a great picture of me and Benjamin from our night out last weekend.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

musical monday

I'm a fan.  

Monday, July 13, 2009

real piggy tails

I'm proud....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

its july....

I just wanted to make sure that you are all aware that I'm extremely busy doing other things right now.  Wimbledon concluded this last sunday (which I missed by the way) and the Tour de France started on saturday.  So I'm very busy...watching tv....and stuff.  Wanna see some beach pictures though?  

Saturday, June 27, 2009

we were at the beach...

and while we were there, many cute pictures and videos were captured.  Here is just a start....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

dancy dancy

Season 3 and 5 all rolled into one fun little number. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

musical monday

Thank  you TAMN!  (if you haven't been there, go.  She had this little jewel on her blog playlist, which I happen to find SO obnoxious.) Sorry for the terrible quality. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the revamp continues....

What do you think?

Monday, June 8, 2009


This picture made me think of an old, balding man who pulls what little hair he has, into a ponytail.  Oh my little lady....

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm not so sure....

Natty spent a fair amount of time on my lap this weekend.  She didn't mind being in the water, but when she wasn't, she was definitely content to sit on my lap and watch.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

unconnected events

*This morning we woke up with a bloody nosed baby.  This is not the first, but it is by far the worst ever.  It has continued to bleed throughout the morning.  The frequent temper tantrums are not helping to stop the flow. 
*No matter how many times I catch her doing this (and no matter how guitly I feel that she is already addicted to tv) I just can't keep myself from taking a picture.  Everytime. 

*Pardon the slightly strange angle, and facial expression....she kind of looks like a character from the backyardigans.  Check out those blue eyes though....